Welcome to the Sikh Vichar Manch-Thought Provoking Forum for Justice


Agency Knows
eyjMsI jfxdI hY

cuwp ikAuN hYN? bol! hor kOx bolU?
dyKdy, suxdy, pVHdy ikRafsLIl hF
kI hY ieh nIqI?
hF jrUr, rfjnIqI-sLfsqr df pfVHf
jo dyKdy, suxdy, pVHdy hF, nMU smJdf hF jrUr
ieh hY Bfrq dI afqMkvfd nIqI
eyjMsI jfxdI hY 

ieh sfry hn kOx?
eyjMsI jfxdI hY
ieh hn ihwsf Bfrq dI afqMkvfd nIqI
eyjMsI jfxdI hY 

iewk iDr afqMkvfd PYlfAux vflI
dUsrI afqMkvfd imtfAux vflI
ieh lokF leI dihsLq PYlf ky
keIaF nMU blI df bwkrf bxf ky
iswKF leI dihsLqpsMd afgU AuBfr dI hY
aYvyN hI sfrI pMjfb pulIs nMU cwkr pfieaf  
Bfrq dI eyjMsI sfrf jfxdI hY 

iswKF nMU isWKF df dusLmn idKf ky
lokF nMU iewk dUjy nfl lVf ky
keIaF nMU blI df bwkrf bxf ky
iswKF leI dihsLqpsMd afgU AuBfrn Kfqr
eyjMsI nIqI anusfr kfhlI peI hoeI hY
kI hY ieh afqMkvfd qy iswK nIqI?
Bfrq dI eyjMsI sfrf jfxdI hY 

‘sUc’ dI nf puwCo dfsqfn!
eyjMsI sB jfxdI hY
ikvyN ikvyN qoiraf, Bjfieaf, hrfieaf
hY bujLidl bxfieaf
eyjMsI sB kuwJ jfxdI hY 

Bfrq dI afqMkvfd nIqI dI mfr qoN
sUc! ‘BUqnf’ jF ‘bMb’ bxn qoN ikvyN bicaf?
eyjMsI ieh vI jfxdI hY
eyjMsI ieh vI jfxdI hY

blbIr isMG sUc, aYzvokyt, luiDafxf-iswK ivcfr mMc
www.sikhvicharmanch.com, Email: svmanch@gmail.com

The Right to Freedom of Expression and Assess to the Free Press ...
Student Operated Press
 - ‎4 hours ago‎

... insignia of the movement, it looks like reminding the state sponsored terrorism nothing seen there matching with Sikh tenets or the movement in reality.
Published: August 30th, 2009 09:04 EST

The Right to Freedom of Expression and Assess to the Free Press! Or Does it mean Sikh militancy reviving?

By SOP newswire2

"It appears that militancy had just shifted its base from the physical world to web world."

Does it mean that no body should have right to freedom of expression and assess to the free press?

We should not forget that the right to freedom of expression and assess to the free press helps to check the militancy, otherwise, the man could prove like a completely sealed pressure cooker after semi filled with water kept on fire waiting any time to blast ".

Do you think that my web www.sikhvicharmanch.com was it an effort just to shift the base of militancy from the physical world to web world or it is for exposing the State terrorism and the elements associated with it?

The government agencies are most likely encouraging, intentionally and deliberately, the presumed websites, videos, passionately flaunting pictures and quotations of the militant leaders", especially Jarnail Singh Bhindrawala, on their T-shirts and motorbikes etc especially in India purposely as spider nets to identify and so on to the innocents doing so innocently in order to harm them secretly levelling them as militants. It is like double edged weapon, proving more beneficial for the cruel ruler.

I do not think it gives the impression of the Khalistani movement or any speculation that militancy in state was reviving  rather, from their behaviour and carrying the insignia of the movement, it looks like reminding the state sponsored terrorism nothing seen there matching with Sikh tenets or the movement in reality.

Please do express your opinion on the subject. Thanks                                                    
Comments and submission by
Balbir Singh Sooch, Advocate, Ludhiana
August 30, 2009



blbIr isMG sUc


ktihrf bol ipaf,
iensfP hMudf dyK ro ipaf,
ijhVf afvy shuM cuwkI jfvy,
ieh kih ky ro ipaf. 

jwj muskrfvy,
pr ktihrf ro ipaf,
ktihrf gUMgf-bolf,
pr iPr vI ro ipaf. 

nf cuwp krfeI,
nf ipwT GsfeI-afeI,
jwj jfxy gUMgf-bolf,
ikAuN ro ipaf??? 

byjfn-byjbfn jLrUr hF,
iesLfrf krn qoN mjLbUr hF,
jwj sfihb nMU ieh kihMdf ro ipaf.

muwK pMnf  |  aMgryjI aMk  |  sMcflk  |  bfnI  |  ilMk

Copyright © Balbir Singh Sooch, Chief and Spokesperson, Sikh Vichar Manch, Ludhana, Punjab (India)