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drbfr sfihb jf ky kIqI ardfs
blbIr isMG sUc, luiDafxf



I did prayer in ‘SRI DARBAR SAHIB’

To my mind, prayer is a faith and ‘SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB’ is a SACRED/HOLY GRANTH of knowledge to lead ‘A SIKH WAY OF LIFE’ to serve the HUMANITY. The words do change meanings as per time, situation and changed circumstances but ‘SRI GURU GRANTH SAHIB’ is not complicated one as “scholars” project in their writings. 

Balbir Singh Sooch 

drbfr sfihb jf ky kIqI ardfs 

mYnMU nf puwCo,

qMU ikAuN cwilaf ies rfh `qy,

mYN drdF dI dunIaF ivwcoN,

lMiGaF hF, duwK hMZf ky,

jnm qF iehI kfPI hY,

jy “rwbf” kuwJ klf krfvyN,

qFG sI ik jy Bly dy rfh pfvyN.

njLr qF AuhIAu afieaf.

dosLI jwg dy ichry,

sB kuwJ kr ivKfieaf,

jnm qF iehI kfPI hY,

jy “rwbf” kuwJ klf krfvyN,

qFG sI ik jy Bly dy rfh pfvyN

njLr qF AuhIAu afieaf.


Dfrimk krmkFzI pKMzF qoN ikvyN bicaf 

gurU dy dfs ny sLurU sfl 1984 `c svf ku sfl iewk pRiswD vkIl nfl vkflq df aiBafs krn qoN bfad suqMqr qOr `qy vkflq dy pysLy ivwc kdm rwKx qoN pihlF drbfr sfihb jf ky mwQf tykxf jrUrI smiJaf. ieh sfl 1985 dI gwl hY ik dfs ny bVI sLrDf nfl afpxy joVy jmF krvf ky drbfr sfihb ivwc mwQf tyikaf aqy prkrmf kIqI. ieh sB kuJ sLFq icwq rih ky hI kIqf igaf. pr bfad ivwc jdoN drbfr sfihb qoN bfhr inkilaf qF soicaf ik ies gurU dy Gr qoN qF koeI mMg mMgI dI hY pr koeI mMg pRfpqI leI ardfs mYN nhIN kIqI sI. iPr mn dI kmjLorI kfrn dubfrf ies pRikRaf nMU duhrf ky gurU dy drbfr `coN kuJ mMgx leI mn bxfieaf. pr drsLnI izAuVI qwk phuMcidaF ieAuN njLr afAux lwgf ijvyN ik hux mYN gurU rfhIN pRmfqmf nMU jgfAux cwilaF hF ik Auh myry vwl iDafn kry. ies qrHF mYN afpxy afp nMU iPtkfr pfeI ik Aus jfxI-jfx nMU qMU kI dwsx qy Aus qoN kI mMgx leI cwilaF hYN? myry aMdroN hI afpxy leI ardfs krn qy mMg mMgx dI ihMmq hI nf peI qy isrP Aus dy hukm `c rihx df pRx ilaf.ies qrHF dubfrf drbfr sfihb jfx dI QF drsLnI izAuVI ivwcoN hI hwQ joV ky vfips muV afieaf.hux qF Aus vyly nfloN iswK Drm dI soJI vDI hY ik iswK df kMm afpxy leI ardfs krnf nhIN sgoN Aus dy hukm ivwc rihx df pRx hI cVHdI klf ivc rih ik krnf huMdf hY.ies soc nfl hI mnuwK srbwq dy Bly vwl kdm puwt skdf hY nhIN qF Auh duinafvI kfmnfvF, krmkFzI rihqF qy mno-ivkfrF ivwc hI iGiraf rhygf. ies qrHF mYN iswK Drm anusfr Dfrimk krmkFzI pKMzF qoN dUr rihx dI koisLsL hmysLf kIqI qy iehI kfrn hY ik myry aMdr Dfrimk hMkfr pYdf hox dI axhoNd hI bxI rhI hY. 

December10, 2005


Mobile: 98143-34544

Email: svmanch@gmail.com 

Badhni.com - Punjabi News and Articles
In his letter about Ardas at Durbar Sahib, S.Balbir Singh Sooch's thoughts merit
our consideration. I also feel that Sikhi prayer in Waheguru's presence ...
www.badhni.com/art_490.asp - 97k - Cached - Similar pages 

pRIqm isMG gryvfl


Respected Editor,

In his letter about Ardas at Durbar Sahib, S.Balbir Singh Sooch's thoughts merit our consideration. I also feel that Sikhi prayer in Waheguru's presence should be to seek wisdom for willing acceptance of Hukam. Gurbani guides us-

"Vin bollian subh kichch jandaa kis aagai keechay ardass" SGGS, page 1420

"tu aapay subh kichch jandaa kis aagai karee pukar"  SGGS, p.1258

"kya maango kichch thir na rahaee" SGGS, page 481


Pritam Singh Grewal 


blbIr isMG sUc


ktihrf bol ipaf,
iensfP hMudf dyK ro ipaf,
ijhVf afvy shuM cuwkI jfvy,
ieh kih ky ro ipaf. 

jwj muskrfvy,
pr ktihrf ro ipaf,
ktihrf gUMgf-bolf,
pr iPr vI ro ipaf. 

nf cuwp krfeI,
nf ipwT GsfeI-afeI,
jwj jfxy gUMgf-bolf,
ikAuN ro ipaf??? 

byjfn-byjbfn jLrUr hF,
iesLfrf krn qoN mjLbUr hF,
jwj sfihb nMU ieh kihMdf ro ipaf.

muwK pMnf  |  aMgryjI aMk  |  sMcflk  |  bfnI  |  ilMk

Copyright © Balbir Singh Sooch, Chief and Spokesperson, Sikh Vichar Manch, Ludhana, Punjab (India)