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Is A Separatist Struggle A Freedom Movement


Terrorism Who will Decide And When? 

By Balbir Singh Sooch


“First of all, the question arises that whether separatist struggles in the world are freedom movements or terrorism? Who will decide and when?


If answer is that some separatist struggles are freedom movements not terrorism then each separatist struggle must be recognized as such on merits for its support by the international community?


Whether any separatist struggle should be recognized as such after its bloodshed form or before? Criteria are debatable subject, for the international community.

Whether the bloodshed must be the main criteria to recognize any separatist struggle on merits as a genuine freedom movement?


It is already said and argued that such a separatist struggle is always supported by some nation or group due to strategic vested interests. Is it not diplomacy of terrorism prevailing in the world?


Who is supporting to whom? Find out and check the nations supporting such struggles for recognizing those on merits for supporting or for wiping out them as only terrorism operating in the world.


It means that terrorism itself is nothing unless it is supported by some nation or fundamentalist group, who has strategic vested interests to do so and that support must be known as a part of the terrorism to deal with problem of terrorism in the world?


It is no secret that Tamil Tigers were propped up by New Delhi to achieve a long term strategic goal inside the island nation. Soon, however, the ambitions of the group and its leader Prabhakaran clashed with New Delhi’s interests, turning the Tigers against the very hands that fed it. (Extract from an article Lessons From The LTTE published in OUTLOOK”


(It is also common knowledge that Sikh revolutionary leader Sant Jarnail Singh Bhinderanwale was propped up by Prime Minister Indira Gandhi to do the government’s dirty work until he decided not to be a traitor to his religion and became a thorn for the state)


Is A Separatist Struggle A Freedom Movement Or Terrorism Who will ... 

Reaction to amend

from: NewsBlaze Editor

cc: Balbir Singh Sooch
May 30, 2009 7:08 PM
subject: LINK Editor - Action required

Hello Editor,

I hope you are well.

I noticed you published a story

"Is A Separatist Struggle A Freedom Movement Or Terrorism Who will Decide And When?"

by Balbir Singh Sooch

You forgot to add his byline and that makes it look like your story.
I know how easy it is to forget that sometimes, especially if you have multiple editors.

This is a just a reminder to add his byline in your copy on this page:

Best Wishes.

Alan Gray
Editor in Chief, NewsBlaze
705-2 E.Bidwell St #213

Folsom CA, 95630
916 608 4271
Ask me how NewsBlaze can help you.

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From: The Editor

to Sikh Vichar Manch

date: Jun 2, 2009 2:59 AM

subject: RE: LINK Editor - Action required

The writer’s byline is in there, at least in the newspaper. Perhaps, its missing from the website. I’ll get them to correct it.

Paul Dhillon

Cry for Justice
Human Rights
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Copyright © Balbir Singh Sooch, Chief and Spokesperson, Sikh Vichar Manch, Ludhana, Punjab (India)